10:00-10:15 opening and group photos

10:15-12:00 Session I: natural climate variability and anthropogenic climate change I

10:15-10:30 余嘉裕: Moisture and Energy Transports by Tropical Convection: Contrast between Deep and Shallow Modes

10:30-10:45 柯亘重: 東亞夏季季風區高低頻季內振盪

10:45-11:00 洪志誠: SST warming in the Eastern North subtropical Pacific and its possible impacts on the East Asian climate

11:00-11:15 許晃雄: The Western North Pacific: A Hotspot of Climate Change

11:15-11:30 黃彥婷: Understanding the timescales and patterns of tropical precipitation responses to external forcings

11:30-12:00 Discussion (lead by 黃彥婷)

12:00-14:00 Lunch Buffet + Poster session

14:00-15:30 Session II (natural climate Variability and anthropogenic climate change II)

14:00-14:15 吳奇樺: Holocene Changes in Southeast Asian Seasonality

14:15-14:30 談珮華: Air pollution and meteorological “holiday effect” in Taiwan

14:30-14:45 鄭芳怡: Long-term meteorological variations and implications on surface fine particulate matter concentrations in Taiwan

14:45-15:00 王嘉琪: The Climate Effect of Anthropogenic Aerosol Forcing on Tropical Precipitation and Circulations

15:00-15:30 Discussion (lead by 王嘉琪)

15:30-16:00 coffee break

16:00-17:30 Session III: atmosphere-ocean-land interaction

16:00-16:15 曾于恒: A new North Pacific climate paradigm and its implication on the ENSO prediction

16:15-16:30 陳維婷: Moist Processes over the South China Sea and Maritime Continent

16:30-16:45 羅敏輝: A decade of sea level rise slowed by climate-driven hydrology and its implications on land-atmosphere interaction

16:45-17:00 張瓊文 MJO Enhanced Phytoplankton Biomass in the Maritime Continent

17:00-17:15 陳奕穎: Modeling the storm damage to forests in the land model

17:15-17:45 Discussion (lead by 陳奕穎)

18:00 Dinner (speakers invited)


#1: Each speaker will have full 15 mins of presentation without Q&A.

#2: Each session has 30 mins of discussion at the end of the session.

#3: Poster session is combined with Lunch Buffet for two days and served food will be different.