Poster session
Poster Presentation Title
/ Poster session is combined with Lunch Buffet
Pei-Chun Hsu | Correlated Changes in Synoptic Eddy Activity and Temperature Gradient in the Northern Hemisphere under Global Warming |
Li-Chiang Jiang | Change in MJO extratropical teleconnection under global warming scenario |
ChaoAn Chen | Changes in extreme precipitation associated with the intensification and northward expansion of the Mei-yu rainband in the warmer climate in high-resolution AGCM simulations |
Yu-Hung Chang | Influence of CCN on Summer Afternoon Thunderstorms in Taiwan |
Hsin-Chien Liang | Introduction of CMIP5/6 Database in CCliCS |
林悅祺 | The fast and slow components of the tropical Pacific climate response to extratropical forcings in a fully coupled model |
陳冠杰 | Impact of scale-interaction on the simulation and future projection of TC activities over the western North Pacific in 25-km HiRAM and 20-km MRI climate models |
Chien-En Hsu | The relationship between aerosol and diurnal variation of summer precipitation in central Taiwan |
Tzu-Ying Wu | Disentangling Recent Increase of Precipitation in Xinjiang, China: A Perspective of Irrigation Effects |
童裕翔 | Extreme Events Future Projection in Taiwan |
Wayne Yuan-Huai Tsai | The subseasonal peak precipitation event and 2019 Australia Townsville flood modulated by MJO and CCEWs |
陳俞綸 | 夏季副熱帶高壓擴張之相關影響 |
Hung Ruo-Ya | Future changes in WNP tropical cyclones. |
Hung-Yi Tseng | Two-stage Atmospheric Circulation Response to Extratropical Thermal Forcing in an Aquaplanet Slab Ocean Model |
黃翔昱 (Hsiang-Yu Huang) | Interannual variability of biomass burning activity over Indochina: ENSO teleconnection and regional transport feature |
LIU Hsiao Wei | Atlas of Taiwan Climate Change Key Indices |
陳怡蒨 (poster session) | Moisture and Energy Transports by Tropical Convection: Contrast between Deep and Shallow Convective Modes |
Yu-Chi Lee | Evaluation of Precipitation Diurnal Cycle in TaiESM |
Min-Ken Hsieh | Effects of Synoptic Temperature Inversion on Orographic Fog: a Case Study at Xitou |
陳亭安 | 主觀與客觀追蹤高壓移動路徑之方法比較—以2000/2001冬季為例 |
Wan-Ling Tseng | Compounding effect of local and remote SST on the 2018 unusual WNP summer monsoon |