Section III
Weather and climate extremes (Chair: 陳維婷 and 吳健銘)
- 09:00 陳正達 Circulation and rainfall types modulate the linkage between hourly precipitation extremes and atmospheric temperature
- 09:18 陳維婷 Extreme Convective Systems over the Asian Monsoon Region
- 09:36 吳健銘 Convective aggregation in a cloud-resolving model
- 09:54 王懌琪 Incorporating large-scale effects on convection in a climate model
- 10:12 Discussion
- 10:30 Coffee break
Section IV
Climate forecast, application, and datasets (Chair: 黃婉如 and 王嘉琪)
- 10:50 鄭兆尊 台灣40年氣候資料歷史重建
- 11:08 黃婉如 Evaluation and Application of Satellite Precipitation Products in Studying the Summer Precipitation Variations over Taiwan
- 11:26 盧孟明 Influences of tropical cyclone, equatorial waves and MJO on S2S prediction of Philippine subseasonal peak rainfall during Boreal Winter
- 11:44 蘇世顥 The variation of Taiwan front system in the historical and future climate with machine-learning classification method
- 12:02 王嘉琪 公民參與氣象資料建檔計畫--梅雨季鋒面頻率初步結果
- 12:20 Discussion
- 12:38 Lunch
- 13:20 Poster II
- 14:40 Coffee break
Section V
Climate model development (Chair: 李威良 and 曾于恒)
- 15:00 曾于恒 TIMCOM model evaluation for OMIP2 participation
- 15:18 許乾忠 Development of the UACCP parameterization for TaiESM version 2
- 15:36 杜佳穎 Development and applications of FV3-model for Weather and Climate Research
- 15:54 陳奕穎 Coupling a new generation land surface model to a high resolution atmospheric model
- 16:12 Coffee Break
- 16:28 李威良 Evaluation of Taiwan Earth System Model version 1
- 16:46 陳建河 Model development for seasonal forecast in Central Weather Bureau
- 17:04 梁信謙 CMIP6/reanalysis data archive at RCEC
- 17:22 洪志誠 Interaction of Pacific Tropical and extratropical SSTs and its contribution on the East Asia and WNP climate
- 17:40 Discussion
- 18:00 Adjourn