Section II
Climate model development (conveners: 許乾忠, 李威良)
- 8:40 許乾忠:Development of the Unified Aerosol-Cloud-Convection-Precipitation parameterization for TaiESM2
- 9:00 王懌琪:Investigating roles of convection design in simulating intraseasonal and interannual variability
- 9:20 李威良:New k-distribution scheme for radiative transfer calculation in a clear-sky atmosphere
- 9:40 曾于恆:Development of TAIESM-TIMCOM for the future climate changes
- 10:00 session discussion
- 10:20 coffee
Section III
Mountain Cloud Climatology (convener: 陳維婷)
- 10:40 郭鴻基:台灣山區雲氣候觀測與模擬
- 11:00 鍾高陞:從系集模擬與觀測資料分析宜蘭地區環流與降水之特性
- 11:20 吳健銘:Learning the flow over complex topography in Taiwan
- 11:40 陳維婷:Investigating local circulation over complex topography using data-driven approach and large-eddy simulations
- 12:00 session discussion
- 12:20 lunch