Day III: Groundwater-climate interactions

Place: Department of Atmospheric Sciences A206

Time Day 3, March 20, 2019  
09:00-10:10 Session IV
Groundwater-climate interactions
09:00-09:40 Uncertainty of Global Hydrologic Simulations Associated with Groundwater Capillary Flux Parameterizations Dr. Hyungjun Kim
09:40-10:10 The role of groundwater in modulating Global Sea Level Variations during ENSO Dr. Min-Hui Lo
10:10-10:40 From I-GEM to GW-MIPs? Min-Hui and Agnès
10:40-11:00 Coffee  
11:00-11:15 Working group I Summary Reporter + moderator  
11:15-11:30 Working group II Summary Reporter + moderator  
11:30-12:00 Summary/Discussion  
12:00- Lunch